Friday, November 21, 2008


The other day I was thinking about people I've known in the past but am not really close with anymore (Facebook has a way of bringing back the undead), and I got kind of weirded out. I remember things that people have told me, but this thought popped into my head: I don't remember anything I've ever said to anyone.

I'm not a very talkative person, and I generally keep my opinions to myself (except for when I complain to my wife about everything - she says I'm picky). But I'm not a complete mute, and I've certainly been able to converse well enough to amass a large number of close friends and an army of acquaintences. So why is it that I cannot really remember my half of any conversations?

What kinds of things do I talk about? What first-hand knowledge of myself have I given to people over the years? I have no idea. I think about ex-girlfriends or bosses or roommates and wonder if I really did ever speak to them? It is almost a guarantee that I did, at some point, talk to these people. But I don't remember any specific words or phrases, or even general ideas I tried to convey.

I do remember some specific conversation situations, but not so much the content. Is this common for everyone? Or is it just me? I'm not dumb. I'm not a victim of drug or alcohol abuse. I'm just kind of blank in spots? I dunno...

In other news: Gmail video chat is pretty freaking cool. The future is HERE! Go Bears.


dd0031 said...

That's all well and good, but when is Dr. Castrato going to release his best records of 2008??

Dr. Castrato said...

Sometime soon, although not necessarily before Christmas.