Monday, February 25, 2008

Songs in My Head

"Falling Slowly," the duet by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova from the film Once. I still have not seen the film, although I've heard only great things about it. I first heard this song performed live on the David Letterman show, and it intrigued me. Last night it won the Oscar for best original song in a film (beating out THREE song nominations from the film Enchanted). Since watching them perform it again on the Academy Awards broadcast, I haven't been able to get it out of my head.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it kind of sticks in your head. My mom was even humming it this AM and she hasn't seen the movie either.

It's a great movie, worth the Netflixin'...

Anonymous said...

Great film. I was prepared to not like it since everyone said it was so great but it lives up to the hype. So simple, yet so great.

Anonymous said...

Always one to pimp a good review...

Check it out. And rent "Once" when you can.