Monday, February 25, 2008

Songs in My Head

"Falling Slowly," the duet by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova from the film Once. I still have not seen the film, although I've heard only great things about it. I first heard this song performed live on the David Letterman show, and it intrigued me. Last night it won the Oscar for best original song in a film (beating out THREE song nominations from the film Enchanted). Since watching them perform it again on the Academy Awards broadcast, I haven't been able to get it out of my head.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh, Sports.

A strange thing happened last night in my personal wide world of sports. I watched a Drake University men's basketball game for the first time since I graduated from there 10 years ago. They were on TV last night playing conference rival Bradley.

I never paid much attention to college sports when I was IN college, and really only started getting into the men's NCAA hoops tournaments a few years ago. But this year Drake is actually good. They are ranked 16th in the nation and are poised for their first tournament bid in over 20 years. So when I saw that they were on TV, I decided to watch.

They lost. Just their 3rd loss all season. But I'm still hopeful they will secure a seed in the tournament and maybe even win a few games.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Songs In My Head

Today, I'm internally rocking to "Love is Like Oxygen" by Sweet. I don't have much to say about the song, except that it's kinda cheesy yet kinda irresistable, like most Sweet songs. What an insightful chorus lyric:

Love is like oxygen
You get too much, you get too high
Not enough and you're gonna die
Love gets you high

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Running with the DLR

You guys have probably heard this already, it seems to be all over the internets right now. But in case you haven't, check out David Lee Roth's isolated vocal track from the Van Halen tune "Runnin' with the Devil." Turn it up loud and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Songs in my Head

"Here Comes My Girl" by Tom Petty is stuck in my head today. I've never considered myself a Tom Petty fan (so whiney!), but I do find myself liking some of his older hits. I could understand really not liking Tom Petty if the only material you knew was from Full Moon Fever to the present. (When Petty performed at the Superbowl this weekend, my friend claimed he'd never heard "American Girl" before. My friend is 31 years old. How can you have never heard that song?) A partial reason why I've grown to like some of these songs is due to a Tom Petty tribute CD called "You Got Lucky" that came out in the mid-90's. It features mostly indie-rocks bands doing some interesting deconstruction of older Petty tunes. They are not all great, of course, but I like the mix, with the highlight being Fig Dish's cover of "Don't Come Around Here No More."

Friday, February 1, 2008


Feb.1 - What's up, people? Anyone else snowed in today? I shoveled a few inches last night, falsely believeing the snow had stopped for good. This morning there was another 6 inches or so. My dog could barely force himself through it.

I think he's grumpy today - normally he would dive in and roll all around in it, but today he barely had the motivation to pee and come back inside. I think he already went back to sleep.

So, today begins February. What a crap month. At least I'm in a good mood today. Maybe it'll carry through.

What have you got going on this month? Anything fun?